Satcom IRL is a private indigenous Company duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission and other relevant registry authorities. Established in 2008 with key vision centered on providing ICT Infrastructures to both Public and Private sector. The company having founded by two major partners, has since implemented major projects ranging from Network Optimization of INEC 2015, Deployed over 250 Mobile Radio Solution for Nigerian Ports Authority. Providing Fiber Optic Internet Solution to the National Assembly, Nigeria. Just to name but few.
Satcom IRL market offering is broad and consists of complex systems involving extensive research and development as well as services with a high degree of repetition. With operations on every continent, we continuously develops, adapts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs. We work with our values, attitudes and behaviors to bring out our people’s innovative sides and let their talents shine.
Our Services

Professional Radio Solutions

Broadband Internet Solutions

Video Surveillance Solutions

Building a Network Infrastructure
Infrastructure options for communication networks within businesses can be quite complicated. But if a solid plan is put in place, the system will perform as it should, enabling companies to form reliable communications networks for future growth.
Our Blog Posts
The World Best Selling Phone from Airbus SLC
Did you know that Airbus, the plane maker, also made mobile phones? If you did you are probably part of the security services. And if…
Satcom IRL management visit European Space Agency on Espoo, Finland
Recently, Satcom IRL during their visit to Finland held meeting with European Space Agency office located in Espoo, Finland on Alto University building. This is…
Satcom IRL – CEO Present at SNUC 2017 in Nice
Security Network Communication Conference – Engr. Olofin Sola – CEO of Satcom IRL was only Nigeria invited to attend SNUC 2017, a well organized Security…